Pelvic organ prolapse is also known as POP
Women are more likely than men to develop pelvic organ prolapse, or POP. This condition develops when the muscles of the pelvic floor weaken and cause the organs they hold in place to droop or bulge. Pelvic organs include the bladder, urethra, rectum, vagina and uterus. When POP occurs, women suffer from many unpleasant symptoms, including urinary incontinence.
Our Houston urologists encourage women to talk about their symptoms, so they can improve their quality of life.
Causes of pelvic organ prolapse
Two of the main reasons that women are so susceptible to problems with their pelvic floor are pregnancy and vaginal childbirth, both of which weaken pelvic floor muscles. But, there are also some other causes of POP.
- Aging
- Menopause
- Being overweight or obese
- Chronic constipation and having to strain to have a bowel movement
- Chronic health conditions that cause excessive coughing
- Tasks that require heavy lifting
POP causes several symptoms, including urinary incontinence
Usually, symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse appear over time, but sometimes women don’t even know that they have POP until a physician discovers the problem during an examination. Women with the condition may experience one or more of the following symptoms.
- In mild cases, feeling a slight bulge inside the vagina
- In more severe cases, pelvic organs can push out of the vagina
- Pelvic fullness or pressure
- Difficulty having a bowel movement
- Difficulty inserting applicators or tampons into the vagina
Urinary symptoms are often present when women have POP. Our Houston urologists see patients with the following symptoms caused by POP.
- Urinary incontinence, meaning leaking urine, especially when laughing, coughing, sneezing or exercising
- Problems completely emptying the bladder
A cystocele occurs when the bladder drops and sags into the vagina
One type of prolapse that our Houston urologists see is a cystocele. This type of POP can cause several urinary and other symptoms that affect women’s quality of life.
- Frequent urination
- Feeling a frequent urge to urinate
- Problems emptying the bladder
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Heavy, full feeling in the pelvic area
Our Houston urologists diagnose and treat urinary symptoms caused by POP
Our physicians may discover pelvic organ prolapse during an examination, while investigating the causes of urinary symptoms. Our physicians have the skills and training to help women who suffer from the embarrassing symptoms of POP to improve their quality of life and enjoy better health. Contact us for an appointment.