The Voiding Dysfunction Center at HMU
Many urinary problems that people assume are a “normal” part of aging may actually be abnormal. While common with age, symptoms such as voiding dysfunction, urinary incontinence, urinary retention and frequent urination are not normal. These problems are treatable.
Our Center for Voiding Dysfunction and Incontinence offers state-of-the art diagnostics to best identify urinary problems and offer targeted treatments. Urodynamics is the cornerstone of the Voiding Dysfunction Center and can be especially useful when other therapies have failed. Our urologists can help tailor your treatment plan based on the nature of your urinary problem as defined by urodynamics.
What is Urodynamics?
Urodynamics is a test that is used to define the nature of the urinary problem. It examines how the bladder (which stores the urine) and the sphincter (which serves as an outlet valve) work to store and release urine. The test is an interactive procedure where both sensory and motor (muscular) functions of the bladder and sphincter are checked. In men, the test can also help determine if the bladder is blocked by the prostate.
Urodynamics is offered at our Voiding Dysfunction and Incontinence Center
Urodynamics is performed on an outpatient basis at our 4223 Richmond location and only through referral from an HMU Urologist. To find out more, call (713) 351-0630.
Urodynamics can help identify the nature of and help target treatments for the following:
- Urinary leakage with sneezing/activity (stress incontinence) or urgency (urge incontinence)
- Urinary frequency (day and/or night)
- Urinary urgency
- Difficulty urinating
- Slowing urinary stream and incomplete bladder emptying
- Recurrent urinary tract infections
- The inability to urinate (retention) that requires the use of a catheter
Don’t wait to get treatment
If you have issues with urinary voiding and incontinence, schedule an appointment with one of our experienced urologists. We have over 20 urologists at 10 convenient urology clinics across the great Houston and Fort Bend metroplexes. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to address your voiding dysfunction and incontinence issues.