Appointment Preparation
If you are a new patient or have not visited us within the last year, please follow the link that was emailed to you when you made your appointment to join our patient portal and fill out your forms at least one week prior to your appointment.
If your appointment is less than one week away, you may fax these documents to your doctor’s office, carry them with you to your appointment or fill them out online to submit them electronically.
Appointment Checklist
Please bring the following items with you to your appointment.
- Completed patient forms (if you were unable to mail or fax them in advance)
- List of all medications and their dosage
- Insurance card(s)
- Payment method (cash, check or major credit card)
- Relevant lab reports (P.S.A, semen analysis, urine culture, etc.) if not already on file at HMU
- Abdomen and pelvis x-rays, CT scans, and/or MRIs that are not already on file at HMU
- Pharmacy name
- Pharmacy location and address
- Pharmacy phone number
- Pharmacy fax number
Out-of-town Patients
Physical distance should not be a barrier to receiving the best care available. Our team understands the unique needs of out-of-town patients and their families. If you are traveling to Houston to receive medical services, we will coordinate your appointments, testing, and treatment to minimize your time away from home. Please contact us at 713-351-5000 for further information.
Online Patient Services
Patient Portal
Please follow the links below to access your patient portal or create a new patient portal account. Here, you can request an appointment, renew a prescription, and view your medical records.
Online Bill Pay
Please look at your statement for the appropriate creditor.
If you received a bill from HOUSTON METRO UROLOGY, you may pay online with a credit card using the link below.